I have decided to move my 'regular weekly post' from Friday to Sunday as I have been late the last few posts. This is mainly because the BF and I do mushy couple-y things on a Friday night like stay in and watch movies or go out for dinner. So, as to not be constantly late, I shall just move the days around. :)
So, 2 year olds...Am I right? I love my son. So much. BUT, there are times when I love him a smidgen less. I know there are some of you out there who will understand what I mean.
At the start of the week my...lovely...Son threw a tantrum to end all tantrums. It was a scream fest and I had to do everything in my power not to join in with the screaming. Well, when I thought he had settled down, I turned my back to clean up some of the mess he had made and he decided to 'Dance' on my closed laptop. Yes, I had stupidly left it on the floor besides the couch and when my DS saw it he knew what he had to do to make me really mad. Well, I deserve an award because I took one long, deep breath, removed him from the laptop very gently, explained in a calm voice that he was in trouble and proceeded to open the lid to asses the damage. Well, my screen now looks like a Pablo Picasso piece of art. :(
It is ruined. To make it worse, I use it when stitching to blow up the charts. So naturally, I was unable to stitch for a few days. Thankfully, the clever BF came to the rescue and hooked me up to a separate monitor until I can afford to fix it. Kids. Got to love them...
Anyway, on to stitching. Not too much was done. This is all I managed on 'Halloween Town'.
I only managed to fill in the windows of the bakery. Tomorrow is a public holiday though so I'll try and get more done on this as I would really like to finish it in the next week or so.
I did also make a small start on my massive Pokemon project after I unpicked what was previously on the fabric. Here is what I managed.

Again, not a whole lot.
Well, sorry for being so rambly tonight and not having much progress. My DS and I are back on speaking terms after his performance and Sebastian has settled into the house really well.
Thank you all for reading and commenting.
Until next time,