
Sunday 23 November 2014

Bad, bad Blogger...

I'm baaaack! haha.
I am so sorry to anyone that noticed my disappearance. I missed 2 Friday post :| Oops. haha.
Unfortunately my son came down with bronchitis and we had another hospital visit. Once he was over that he suffered an ear infection and when that was cleared up he had an allergic reaction to mosquito bites. Ahh yeah, Mum life! Touch wood that with the weather getting warmer, we'll see less sickness from my little man.

And if all of that wasn't bad enough, I had a wisdom tooth taken out. Haha. My goodness. Yes, it has been full on around here but we're all doing well now. Unfortunately I didn't get a whole lot of stitching done in this time. I did manage to work on the Birth record though!

See, I got something done. Haha. This is really easy to work on and stitches up really quickly. Hopefully now that things have settled I can get back to work on it. :)

Well, that's all folks. Sorry for going MIA, I'll try not to let it happen again.
Thank you for reading, commenting and following!
Until next time,


  1. Lovely stitching ( and stash on your previous post).
    Hope your little man is fully recovered now.

  2. So sorry to hear about your son Nel. Sending hugs and happy thoughts your way. Nice progress on the birth record.


  3. Sorry to hear of all the illnesses etc.xx

  4. Oh my Nel....sounds like things were a tad tipsy turvy! Are you guys alright? How do you deal with a mosquito allergy? Those buzzers get everywhere! Your poor baby! Hope he's doing better.
    Ouchie! Wisdom teeth! I looked like a chipmunk when mine were removed....all in one go!
    The stitching is looking lovely....I'm surprised you got any done!

  5. Yikes, hope everything is better now! I can't imagine a bad mosquito allergy! I'm only mildly allergic (most humans are) but his sounds awful! Poor little guy! :( At least you managed something and with all you have going on, that's amazing! Better luck with the warmer months~ :D


Thank you so much for reading and leaving a comment. I love hearing from anyone out there that took the time to read my posts!